A huge thanks to everyone who participated in NYCBSDCon 2010.
That long list includes the great speakers, engaged attendees, the generous sponsors, the Cooper Union staff and students, BSD Fund and of course, the now exhausted organizers from the New York City *BSD User Group.
Building this conference takes months and months of effort. Arranging conference space and hotels in New York City is difficult. Work schedules grind away at the organizers. Yet, we managed to pull off another great conference, and are looking forward to NYCBSDCon 2013.
NYCBSDCon is more than just a technical conference. We aim to make it a fundraising opportunity for the benefit of the BSD projects, while remaining dynamic in terms of content yet accessible to all.
And we have a few final notes and references to the conference from the internet:
Attendees should thoughtfully fill-out the post-conference questionnaire: it is the critical element in building a better conference year-to-year.
The audio, provided by BSDTalk's Will Blackman, is here. Thanks Will!
The great blogger Justin Sherrill provides an insightful overview and sum-up of the conference.
The mediocre writer and now attempted blogger Michael Lucas provides some thoughts on NYCBSDCon 2010: NYCBSDCon is at our throats, Things I Learned at NYCBSDCon, Day 1 and Things I Learned at NYCBSDCon, Day 2. He does finally show his wisdom with an articulate reason why NYCBSDCon is the best conference ever. In all seriousness, without Michael Lucas, there is no NYCBSDCon.
NYCBSDCon enabled DragonFlyBSD's Matt Dillon to resolve some Atheros wireless chipset issues.
NYCBSDCon 2010 was also covered by Dutch Linux Magazine.
A short video of the conference is on You Tube, as per Dru.
the videos are posted over at BSDTV, a NYC*BUG sponsored project.
The presentation slides are slowly appearing online at presentations page.
Thanks to all who contributed and attended! We'll see you in 2013.
NYCBSDCon 2010 Organizers